Balancing Expertise and Client Collaboration in Event Management

In the fast-paced world of event management, it's easy to get carried away with your expertiseand experience. After all, you've planned numerous successful events, and your clients trustyou to deliver remarkable results. However, a critical aspect of maintaining successful clientrelationships is knowing when to identify assumptions and be assertive. It is essential to strikethe right balance between the two to...
Filed under: 2023


In today’s fast-paced digital era, promoting an event successfully requires more than just acatchy tagline and vibrant visuals. It demands precision, targeting, and personalization – all ofwhich can be significantly enhanced by the prowess of Artificial Intelligence.The scattergun approach to marketing is dated. AI allows for sharp precision in targetingpotential attendees. By analyzing data from previous events, social media interactions,...
Filed under: 2023, AI

How is AI Revolutionizing the Attendee Experience

The modern event-goer craves experiences that are not just memorable but also deeply personal.In a world where individuality is celebrated, the demand for personalized event experiences hasgrown exponentially. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), a game-changer in the event planning arena,particularly in the realm of attendee personalization.Imagine attending a conference where the sessions you attend, the people you meet, and even thefood...
Filed under: 2023, AI, Thought Leadership

The Pitch

Did you ask all the right questions? Are you prepared? What do they want to see? AHHHH – the last-minute jitters before the “pitch” (I wonder if baseball is the same way – LOL). Recently, we pitched to a group of folks we didn’t have much guidance on. It was “show them what you can do.” Sure, we know the...
Filed under: 2023, Thought Leadership

Unleashing the Potential of AI in Event Planning: Embracing Benefits while Navigating Red Flags with Finesse

Hey all! Has AI undoubtedly transformed the landscape of event planning? I feel like that’s the big question!! Here’s what I know - it’s a powerful tool that can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance attendee experiences. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential red flags associated with using AI and to approach its implementation with expertise and precision. While...
Filed under: 2023, AI, Thought Leadership

Rethinking Event Spending in the Post-2020 Era

Hey all, Like you, we’re continuing to navigate the post-COVID landscape of events. In reality, this “new” landscape is most likely our “norm” in the events world. One of the most significant changes we’ve seen is event spend - the evolution and, ultimately, how to execute and create on any budget.  Many pundits believe that event spending has plummeted after...
Filed under: 2023, Thought Leadership