Coors Brewery 150th Celebration
Celebrating 150 years of Coors and inviting the city of Golden as their honored guest.
Number of Attendees
Golden, CO


Starting with simple activations and guest interactions, this event quickly grew into a City-Wide celebration with only 6 months to plan and activate.
First, we began by outlining their priorities then weighing them against what is possible with timelines and budget. From there developed the action plan to execute the necessary street permitting, Governor invitation, and all the other logistics required to pull off a city wide street festival.
In September, we locked down the main street in Golden, CO to celebrate Crows Brewery 150th.Molson Coors has been a long time partner allowing us to support them from incentives, to super bowl to these celebratory street parties. Take a moment to see the work and hear thanks from Lisa Zimmer, MCBC’s Manager of M&E.
I loved, loved, loved working on this with you all. The project was full of pain points for me and you took every single one away. I truly would not have survived without Imprint! I know it's hard to get everyone in the same place but l am hoping we can orchestrate a celebratory meal or outing in the future 😀