Author: Imprint Events Group

Balancing Expertise and Client Collaboration in Event Management

In the fast-paced world of event management, it’s easy to get carried away with your expertise
and experience. After all, you’ve planned numerous successful events, and your clients trust
you to deliver remarkable results. However, a critical aspect of maintaining successful client
relationships is knowing when to identify assumptions and be assertive. It is essential to strike
the right balance between the two to avoid misunderstandings, unmet expectations, and,
ultimately, the loss of valuable clients.

Assumptions can be a silent killer in the event management industry. We often assume we know
what our clients want because we’ve been in the field for so long. However, every event is
unique, and clients have specific goals and preferences. Making assumptions about their needs
with proper communication can be beneficial. Instead, the key is actively listening to your
clients, even if you believe you have all the expertise.

One of the most common assumptions in event management is believing that you know your
client’s objectives and vision better than they do. Yes, you may have a wealth of experience, but
no one knows their goals better than the clients themselves. To avoid this pitfall, take the time to
have open and honest conversations with your clients. Ask them about their expectations, what
they want to achieve with the event, and any specific ideas they have.

Being assertive, on the other hand, is vital when you believe your professional judgment can
significantly enhance the event. It’s a fine line to walk because, as an expert, your insights are
valuable. However, presenting your ideas assertively rather than imposing them is crucial.
Explain your rationale and how it aligns with their objectives. This demonstrates your
commitment to their success while sharing your expertise.

The key to mastering this balance is to establish a strong foundation of trust with your clients.
Building trust involves active listening, empathy, and showing that you genuinely care about the
event’s success. When clients sense your dedication to their goals, they are more likely to
embrace your recommendations, even if they initially had different ideas.

Furthermore, remember that while you have expertise, clients often bring their unique
perspectives and insights to the table. They may have insights you still need to consider, which
can enhance the event further. Embracing these collaborative efforts can produce outstanding
results and foster more robust, long-term client relationships.

In conclusion, knowing when to identify assumptions versus being assertive is a delicate
balancing act in event management. While your experience is an asset, it’s essential to
remember that every event is unique, and your client’s objectives should guide your decisions.
Open, honest communication, active listening, and building trust are the cornerstone of
successful client relationships. By striking the right balance between making assumptions and
asserting your expertise, you can ensure your clients remain satisfied and your event
management business thrives.

Filed under: 2023


In today’s fast-paced digital era, promoting an event successfully requires more than just a
catchy tagline and vibrant visuals. It demands precision, targeting, and personalization – all of
which can be significantly enhanced by the prowess of Artificial Intelligence.
The scattergun approach to marketing is dated. AI allows for sharp precision in targeting
potential attendees. By analyzing data from previous events, social media interactions, and
other digital footprints, AI can identify the individuals most likely to be interested in your event.
No more casting a wide net; with AI, it’s about reaching the right audience at the right time.
AI tools can assist in generating marketing content tailored to individual preferences. Whether
it’s an email headline, an ad image, or the timing of a social media post, AI can optimize these
variables based on the potential attendee’s behavior and preferences, ensuring higher
engagement rates.
One of the most significant challenges in event marketing is determining where to allocate the
budget for maximum returns. AI-driven predictive analytics can forecast which marketing
channels and tactics are most likely to yield results, helping event planners make informed
budgeting decisions. This data-driven approach ensures that resources are allocated efficiently,
optimizing ROI.
AI-powered chatbots on event websites or social media platforms can engage potential
attendees in real-time, answering queries, providing information, and even nudging them toward
registration. These chatbots offer round-the-clock assistance, enhancing user experience and
increasing the chances of conversion.
Moreover, AI can play a pivotal role in post-event analysis. By analyzing attendee data and
feedback, AI can provide insights into what worked well and what needs improvement. This
information is invaluable for refining future event promotion strategies and ensuring a
continuous cycle of improvement.
In a nutshell, AI transforms event promotion from a game of guesswork to a precise science. By
leveraging the capabilities of AI, event marketers can ensure their promotions are seen and
resonate, driving attendance and ensuring the event’s success. As technology advances,
embracing AI in event marketing becomes not just an advantage but a necessity for staying
competitive in the ever-evolving landscape of events and promotions.

Filed under: 2023, AI

How is AI Revolutionizing the Attendee Experience

The modern event-goer craves experiences that are not just memorable but also deeply personal.
In a world where individuality is celebrated, the demand for personalized event experiences has
grown exponentially. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), a game-changer in the event planning arena,
particularly in the realm of attendee personalization.

Imagine attending a conference where the sessions you attend, the people you meet, and even the
food you eat are tailored to your preferences. AI makes this a reality. By analyzing data ranging
from an attendee’s registration information to their interactions on event apps—AI systems can
generate personalized agendas. This means attendees no longer have to sift through massive
schedules. Instead, they’re presented with sessions that align with their interests, ensuring they
extract maximum value for the event.

Beyond schedules, questions abound in the minds of attendees: “Who’s the keynote speaker?”
“Where’s the vegan lunch section?” “How do I get to the breakout room?” AI-driven chatbots
integrated into event platforms provide real-time answers, ensuring attendees have real time
answers, ensuring attendees have immediate support tailored to their needs.
The essence of many events lies in networking. AI, through analysis of professional backgrounds
and stated interests, can suggest potential matches for networking. Think of it as a kind of
professional matchmaking, ensuring attendees meet people who can genuinely impact their
careers or businesses.

In essence, AI doesn’t just streamline the event experience; it personalizes it, making each attendee
feel seen, heard, and valued. As AI technologies advance, the horizon for personalized event
experiences only broaden, promising a future where every event feels like it was crafted just for

Filed under: 2023, AI, Thought Leadership

The Pitch

Did you ask all the right questions? Are you prepared? What do they want to see? AHHHH – the last-minute jitters before the “pitch” (I wonder if baseball is the same way – LOL).

Recently, we pitched to a group of folks we didn’t have much guidance on. It was “show them what you can do.” Sure, we know the demographic and have a general sense of what they’re looking for, but I hate assumptions. However, this type of guidance or approach is my biggest pet peeve. Having previously been on the other side of the table for pitches, it made my skin crawl when agencies came in and pitched ALL the things – it made me feel like they weren’t listening. They were concerned about what they could do for you versus what you want or need.

Anyhoo, during the prep for this pitch, the team looks at me and says – what’s the direction. I smiled WIDELY and said, “Be yourselves.” They KNOW what we can do. The planner prepped for that. So why not show them WHO WE ARE versus WHAT WE CAN DO? The doors opened, and in walked around twenty people.

We had our case studies playing in the background on a loop. A few folks took some photos. In the end, we didn’t pitch – we conversed. I said, “Listen, I think you all know what we do, but cliff’s note – we’re a strategic event company and can support your activation needs from creative, digital, fabrication, and even throw in some custom entertainment.” That was pretty much it. Nothing formal, nothing too wordy. Just a good connection and conversation.

Shortly afterward, we walked around the room, introduced ourselves, and started talking to them about their individual products (these were various sponsors of the larger convention), working to connect with them and their brand. In this situation, the worst thing to do is “assume” you know what they want to see. If their brand doesn’t align with what you visualize, you’ll lose them – they’ll just think about how “this isn’t our brand.”

When are we comfortable enough to ask what they are looking for versus assuming we know? What’s wrong with asking questions during the pitch, allowing the audience to drive? Finding confidence in who we are versus the deck we put together. It’s better not to have all the answers, share a little vulnerability, and follow up with “THE RIGHT STUFF.”

At what point is the pitch a home run from a conversation versus a presentation? How do you guys prepare for a client pitch?

Filed under: 2023, Thought Leadership

Unleashing the Potential of AI in Event Planning: Embracing Benefits while Navigating Red Flags with Finesse

Hey all!

Has AI undoubtedly transformed the landscape of event planning? I feel like that’s the big question!! Here’s what I know – it’s a powerful tool that can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance attendee experiences. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential red flags associated with using AI and to approach its implementation with expertise and precision.

While AI can automate mundane tasks like scheduling, email communications, and data analysis, it’s essential to strike a balance between automation and human touch. AI can suggest ideas based on patterns and data, but it takes experience to evaluate those suggestions and apply them creatively and strategically. For example, we played around with DALL-E and used our company logo as a template. A few of the images were ok, but most felt replicated. Nothing unique. Overall, we spent about an hour of our day with this exercise. Time well spent – unsure, but it was interesting; however, it needed guidance and checking. It’s not perfect!

I would recommend for any voiceovers. Our production team has started exploring this option for our VOGs or video voice overs, etc. It does take a little time, but the cost savings of hiring a voice actor or getting studio time outweigh the time invested in prompting the platform correctly. Plus, who wouldn’t want a Morgan Freeman type voice as a video voice over? 

One major concern when utilizing AI is the credibility and usefulness of the content it generates. AI can draft event descriptions, promotional material, and social media posts. However, a detailed eye is needed to ensure the content aligns with the event’s vision, tone, and message. Continually review and edit AI-generated content to maintain the human touch and ensure accuracy.

The success of incorporating AI largely depends on the quality of the input or prompts we provide. Clear and specific prompts will yield more relevant and valuable AI-generated outputs. Take the time to fine-tune prompts and communicate precise instructions to your AI tool.

And it should be noted not everyone is enthused about the AI revolution. To many, this is another way for companies to flood the internet with low-effort content in hopes of ranking on Google. 

In 2022, gaming fans created a fake character named Glorbo and posted about it on the game’s subreddit. They hoped that AI-powered news websites would pick up on the posts and generate articles about Glorbo, even though the character didn’t exist. The plan worked. Several AI-powered news websites published articles about Glorbo. The articles claimed that Glorbo was a new character who would be added to a popular game series.

The Glorbo hoax successfully showed how easy it is for AI-powered news websites to be fooled by fake information. It also highlighted the need for these websites to be more careful about verifying their published work.

If you’re hesitant about embracing AI-driven content or incorporating AI into your world, that’s entirely natural; skepticism shows you’re being cautious. Begin with simple prompts and impart your unique style to them as you familiarize yourself with AI programs. Remember, your brand’s reputation is at stake, so thorough verification is vital. While some may boast of tenfold productivity gains, in reality, it often translates to a twofold increase with substantial editing and verification. Nonetheless, doubling productivity is impressive! If someone offered you a tool to enhance productivity twofold, you’d seize the opportunity without hesitation. 

So, with a discerning eye and the right approach, AI can become an invaluable ally in taking your event planning endeavors to new heights. Embrace the power of AI while ensuring your personal touch shines through for truly remarkable events.


Rachel Fusco

Vice President of Marketing & Business Development

Filed under: 2023, AI, Thought Leadership

Rethinking Event Spending in the Post-2020 Era

Hey all,

Like you, we’re continuing to navigate the post-COVID landscape of events. In reality, this “new” landscape is most likely our “norm” in the events world. One of the most significant changes we’ve seen is event spend – the evolution and, ultimately, how to execute and create on any budget. 

Many pundits believe that event spending has plummeted after 2020 and the recession, but the reality tells a different story. The spend is there, but the ask around intentionality, purpose, and drive are now at the forefront. Sure, these key “asks” were always there, but not always top of mind. Gone are the days of extravagant and frivolous spending. Therefore, companies have become more discerning, focused on crafting intentional, authentic experiences that resonate with their audience. Sound like you? 

We appreciate this thought process and understand this shift all too well. We’ve watched this landscape transform and have with it. As always, we aim to create meaningful connections between your brand and your audience, regardless of budget. 

You might wonder, “Can my budget deliver an impact at my event?” The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Our team thrives on creativity and innovation, aligning a powerful experience and highlighting your brand identity and objectives. The larger question is, “Do you trust us?” Expertise is no small thing. Combining your client knowledge with our impact knowledge – you will be surprised how far your budget will go. 

Join us on this journey to reimagine the future of event spending. We’re here to help you navigate the new era confidently, purposefully, and successfully. Together, we’ll create events that captivate hearts, inspire minds, and drive real results.

Stay tuned for our upcoming newsletters for more updates, insights, and event inspirations. Until then, let’s make your dreams work.


Imprint Events Group Team

Filed under: 2023, Thought Leadership